


Hebrews 12:2 tells us to , "Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith."There is so much noise in the world it is easy to unintentionally be absorbed by it, to focus upon it. The result is often a spirit of fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and anger. We should instead choose to focus our attention on Jesus. Are you POSITIVE of His presence in your life? Can you TASTE that He is good? Are you intentionally EXPOSING Him to others? The church's response to the sorrow of Covid-19 must be the hope of Jesus-21. 

Thanks for visiting our site. We at FBC, Stigler desire to Proclaim His Will, Through His Word, for His World! We believe that God has a perfect will for each of our lives and it is discovered in the Bible. We therefore take the preaching and teaching of His Word very seriously. In His Word we discover that He is worthy of worship, so we worship. We discover that He is worthy of obedience, so we obey. We discover that He saves us from the world and unites us as a spiritual family, so we assemble together to worship and fellowship. We'd love to have you come and visit us. Feel free to look around our site and give us a call or email if you have any additional questions. God bless. 


  • VBS 2024

    FBC will host VBS July 22 - July 26 10am-1:30pm. We'd love to have your children join us for an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation during The Great Jungle Journey! Children can register in person or pre-register online using the following QR code: 

  • Christmas in July!

    Our annual Christmas in July fundraiser will be held on Sunday, July 28 in the fellowship hall immediately following AM services. We will have a donation-priced dinner & pie auction. All proceeds will go towards our OCC Shoebox Ministry. We will not have a PM service this night.

  • Ladies Prayer Dinner

    ALL ladies are invited & encouraged to join us!

  • Men's Breakfast

    ALL men are invited & encouraged to join us!

  • Evangelism Evening

    We dedicate every 4th Sunday evening to evangelism discipleship under the direction of Associate Pastor, Jeff Dover. Join us for this valuable voyage in spreading the Good News!

  • Labor Day Announcements

    We will not have PM service on Sunday, September 1 and the church office will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.


    FBC will be hosting Master's Voice for Revival October 27-29 and we would love for you to join us!

    Sunday, October 27: 11am & 6pm

    Monday, October 28: 7pm

    Tuesday, October 29: 7pm

    We are expecting God to move mightily! 

  • OCC Shoebox July Item

    Stigler FBC works all year long to prepare for our annual OCC Shoebox Ministry. We filled, packed, prayed over, and shipped 2500 boxes in 2023! Every month we take donations on specific items to fill our boxes with. This month we are collecting clothing items.

  • Lost & Found Bin

    Our Lost & Found bin is located in the library and is full of items ranging from jewelry and glasses to books. If you are missing something, please come check our bin!